Most people are aware of the Electoral Commission’s DoPolitics TV
advertising (the pencil drawn characters in the pub, one doesn’t do
politics, he just complains).  Whilst working on proposals on Voter
Engagement for the May 2006 Local Elections I tried to work out what my
30 sec ad would look like.

I wrote a treatment for an ad that focused on how voting does actually change things.  My ad would be:

Open the ad with a shot of ballot paper going in ballot box
cut to Jim Callaghan losing the ’79 election,
cut to Margaret Thatcher arriving at No.10 quoting St Francis of Assisi
slow dissolve to ballot paper going in ballot box
cut to Thatcher’s tearful exit from No.10
slow dissolve to ballot paper
cut to Michael Portillo losing Enfield Southgate
cut to Blairs arriving at No.10
dissolve to ballot paper
dissolve to black screen and simple white ? and caption
"voting does make a difference.  what do you want to happen"

What would your ad be?  Please put it in comments and the best one will get a bottle of fizz in May.

Categories: Democracy


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