My Council – from the LGA

The Local Government Association has launched, my council, a new campaign to help people understand the range of services that local councils provide. The first poster appeals to me. A positive image that isn’t the most obvious service.  The posters include a drunk woman vomiting on the street, a close-up Read more…

Sidewalks for Democracy Online

Steven Clift has written an essay outlining his wish-list for redesigning online democracy. The central idea is: "The typical e-government experience is like walking into a barren room with a small glass window, a singular experience to the exclusion of other community members.” I agree.  You’re looking at something online Read more…

Weekend elections? Vote y/n here…

I like voting on a Thursday.  The reason for voting on a Thursday isn’t very obvious, but I can’t think of a better day.  The Ministry of Justice though are looking for reasons to move elections to the weekend or not. They’ve opened a consultation today on weekend voting and Read more…

Latest News – MPs get to use laptops for now

Steve Webb MP, writes about how he will be breaking new ground in the next few weeks by being allowed to use laptops in committee discussion on the Climate Change Bill. Although the traditionalists will be turning in their graves – and we’ve already been warned not to use our Read more…

Know your limits

That’s the name of the latest Home Office campaign to reduce binge drinking amongst 18 – 24 year olds, but it could equally apply to advertising.  Looking at the murkiness beyond the glare of the window, the agency really should have employed a specialist window dresser. A pair of TV Read more…

be a councillor

LondonCouncils have a launched promoting the role of councillors and presenting them as young, diverse and interesting individuals. It’s a fine looking site but would be improved by allowing people to ask questions and have them answered by existing councillors.  No, you have to turn up on July 12th Read more…

Guide to using Social Media – only one page

The Cabinet Office released "Participation online Guidance for civil servants" today.  It has been some time in gestation but the really good news is that it is only one page long.  In fact the guidance has been boiled down to 5 main points and a paragraph on how it relates Read more…

Only 29% of youth workers have access to social web

Tim Davies has co-authored a report for the National Youth Agency about Youth Work and Social Media (pdf, 811kb).  It is an interim report so I hope someone accelerates the funding and allows him to press the pedal to the metal and get it finished because if only 29% of Read more…

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