Why politicians should blog

Tom Watson MP has given a great illustration of why politicians should blog.  A constituent of his was having problems with a utility company.  Tom used his blog to ask his network for information about the company.  Unsurprisingly that post featured quite highly in Google searches for the company.  The Read more…

The Changing Role of the British State

Leader of the House of Commons, Jack Straw, spoke at an NLGN meeting yesterday.  His speech is reproduced in full here.  I’d skip the first third where he talks history and skip to the parts where he outlines a refreshing apolitical view of the interaction between the governed and the Read more…

Even scientists blog these days

The Royal Society (founded 1660, ‘the oldest learned society still in existence’) have just launched a blog. Maybe this could give some impetus to our newer institutions such as local authorities. It also made me think about what other science blogs are out there. Now there are plenty of ‘fun Read more…