When we start a new project we also start a blog.  I’m a Scientist has started. Cllr2.0 has been going a little longer.  It is good practice.  It helps us market the project, it helps us communicate with a wider group of stakeholders and it helps us define what we are doing.


BA has just started a new project and blog.  I’m very impressed.  The project is a new airline, OpenSkies, to launch in June, that will cross the Atlantic missing out London.  The MD, Dale Moss, is writing the blog for the same reasons as we do.  He is marketing the airline (research and promotion), communicating with stakeholders (there is much on staff recruitment) and he is using it to fine tune the airline.  Neville Hobson analyses OpenSkies in more depth.

His first post has already attracted 91 comments and I bet he is glad he is able to finally talk about it.  When I was involved on the launch of Computeractive magazine we were hidden away on the top floor of the building not allowed to speak to anyone outside the room about what we were doing for nine months.  It was murder to be so secret but great to finally launch.


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