Royal Mail and the Postcode Address File – epetition response

Number Ten Downing Street wrote a response to the petition “We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to release the address and postal code data held within the Royal Mail’s PAF to the public.” In short they are saying, "not our problem, talk to Postcomm".  Some feel this is a Read more…

Twitter flexes it muscles ironically

In the space of one week Twitter has flexed it muscles and had a significant effect that organisations public and private should wake up to. On Tuesday news came out of the injunction imposed upon the Guardian preventing them from publishing about a Parliamentary Question or even the fact they Read more…

Royal Mail stifling innovation

The Royal Mail is stifling innovation and increasing costs for this country through charging for the Postcode Address File (PAF) at monopoly prices.  Local Authorities who provide the Royal Mail with some of the raw data for the PAF in the form of details of new streets are amongst the Read more…