“An introduction from Afghanistan” – DFID Blogs go Live

You probably think I’ve got a screw loose to be here, given the bad news you constantly receive about southern Afghanistan.  But I think I’ve got the best job in DFID.  I hope I can explain why – all the ups as well as the inevitable downs – through this Read more…

How are young people using Social Media

I missed the UK Youth Online unconference at the weekend.  Well done to Tim Davies for pulling it off. How are young people using social media? View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: social networking youth) Steph Gray shared these findings from research commissioned by DIUS.  It’s notable for Read more…

Volunteer? Do us a Favour

It seems the well-intentioned agency V has realised the Volunteering is off-putting.  (Why oh why did they not work that out before spending £000’s branding themselves as V?)  66% of young people thought so.  Whereas 80% of young people have done favours for others. Therefore they are launching a new Read more…

From Minnesota to Oxford

Steven Clift, Ashoka Fellow, eDemocracy.org, Local Issues Forum and general eDemocracy Font of Knowledge is passing through the UK on his way back from a conference in Europe.  The meeting is taking place at Oxford Town Hall on Thursday October 2nd. If you fancy coming to help plot out a Read more…