Alliance of Youth Movements – London Summit 2010

There was quite a gathering of new media luminaries in London in early March.  Joe Rospars, Mike Slaby, Sam Graham-Felsen, Jared Cohen, Scott Heiferman from Meet-up, & Ramya Raghaven from YouTube amongst many others. The Alliance of Youth Movements had invited them to talk about how young people are and can Read more…

Nobody expects the Youth Inquisition

Yesterday Sophia and I were at the Wellcome Trust presenting and being interviewed as part of our bid for 2 years funding on I'm a Scientist, Get me out of Here. The committee consisted of 6 very intelligent and experience people and they asked searching questions.  It reminded me of Read more…

Young People and Politics on Radio One

Last night on The Surgery, Radio One dedicated an hour to talking about young people and politics.  Much of what was said reflects the experience we have through I'm Councillor in that young people do care about issues but not party politics.  A lack of clear information and good communication Read more…

Discrimination against young people happens, and it’s not on

“The provisions will not cover people under 18. It is right to treat children and young people differently, for example through age limits on alcohol consumption, and there is little evidence of harmful age discrimination against young people.” [my italics] Harriet Harman, Minister for Women and Equality The Equality Bill Read more…

Meet London’s Ambassador for young people

James Cleverly has been appointed Ambassador for young people in London. It’s a high profile job and it will be a difficult job. I’ve met James and I remember his energy, optimism, good cheer and willingness to help others.  He’ll do well.  Congratulations to you James.  Good luck.

How are young people using Social Media

I missed the UK Youth Online unconference at the weekend.  Well done to Tim Davies for pulling it off. How are young people using social media? View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: social networking youth) Steph Gray shared these findings from research commissioned by DIUS.  It’s notable for Read more…

Volunteer? Do us a Favour

It seems the well-intentioned agency V has realised the Volunteering is off-putting.  (Why oh why did they not work that out before spending £000’s branding themselves as V?)  66% of young people thought so.  Whereas 80% of young people have done favours for others. Therefore they are launching a new Read more…

Gangs aren’t like what we thought

Just in time for the government’s new youth crime plan, comes fascinating research from Manchester University, who’ve taken the trouble to work closely with young people involved in gangs. What they’ve found challenges the picture normally painted of gangs and suggests that the police approach is ‘fatally flawed’ and risks pushing young people into the arms of gangs.

Know your limits

That’s the name of the latest Home Office campaign to reduce binge drinking amongst 18 – 24 year olds, but it could equally apply to advertising.  Looking at the murkiness beyond the glare of the window, the agency really should have employed a specialist window dresser. A pair of TV Read more…

Only 29% of youth workers have access to social web

Tim Davies has co-authored a report for the National Youth Agency about Youth Work and Social Media (pdf, 811kb).  It is an interim report so I hope someone accelerates the funding and allows him to press the pedal to the metal and get it finished because if only 29% of Read more…