The Award Winning Gallomanor Team

Sophia and I put on our glad-rags yesterday and went to the Institute of Electrical Engineers for the Sciencewise-erc Awards dinner.  We were there to pick up the People’s Choice award as voted for by you the public.  Actually, the reality is that the teachers and scientists who took part Read more…

How are young people using Social Media

I missed the UK Youth Online unconference at the weekend.  Well done to Tim Davies for pulling it off. How are young people using social media? View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: social networking youth) Steph Gray shared these findings from research commissioned by DIUS.  It’s notable for Read more…

BuildingDemocracy – Innovations Fund

The Ministry of Justice* Innovations Fund (that brought you CivicSurf or Cllr 2.0 as it was) is back.  It’s bigger than ever with £150,000 to be spent developing new ideas.  Go to for the details. There is a difference this year.  Instead of only being able to submit applications Read more…