National Care Leavers Week – Sheffield LifeSwap

We’ve been talking with Sheffield City Council for a few months about running LifeSwap.   During National Care Leavers Week on October 24th 2007 five Care Leavers from Sheffield and five senior officers and members from the council will take a photo every hour on a mobile phone camera and send Read more…

Nomenclature (or “what we call things”)

Nick Palmer is one of the more online MPs in Westminster.  Nothing too flash but he does write a regular email to 2,399 constituents in Broxtowe, Notts.  This week he talked about the "niceness" of small town America and compared it to Europe: When I lived in  Switzerland, I was Read more…

Flood driven innovation

Cheltenham Borough Council have been driven (or perhaps a creative employee has taken the opportunity presented) by floods to innovate with their communication strategy using some key web technologies. Due to the fear that Council servers and workers would be flooding and stop working the council decided to launch a Read more…

Nine New Authorities

Earlier this week the DCLG announced the results of the bids for unitary status that had been made earlier in the year by many councils up and down the country. The successful bids are: Councils Submitting  Proposals Proposed unitary structure Bedford Borough Council Bedford Unitary Chester City Council 2 Unitary Read more…

Councillor Personality Types

The IDeA have published a report on the personality types of councillors and how they differ from the general population (hat-tip Mike at OpenEye). Councillors are more likely to be extravert (sic – IDeA are obviously followers of Jung) – 68 per cent compared to the general population’s 52 per Read more…

Bit of a B**ls up

It seems as though people emailing schools might have some trouble getting through according to Tony Attwood, moderator of the Education Marketing news group. An update he sent about changes in Government were blocked by a number of school filter systems because it contained "a forbidden word". What, or rather Read more…

Phishy business

I received this email this morning from BusinessLink: From: [] Sent: 09 July 2007 11:07To: shane@gallomanor.comSubject: Business Link has an improved registration system – please upgrade Dear registered user As we add new interactive services to our website, we upgrade our security framework to ensure your information is always Read more…

What you thought you knew may be wrong

I’ve come across some recent research by Nielsen/Netratings about who’s active online. Contrary to lazy stereotypes about nerdy teenage boys, they find that now the most prevalent group online in the UK are women aged 18-34 (a group I sadly find myself no longer a member of). And in fact Read more…