Help needed

UPDATE: We’ve found someone. He’s accepted and should be starting with us soon. He’ll introduce himself very soon. Do you want to help run the best science engagement project in the world? We’re looking for someone to join the Gallomanor team full-time at our lovely office in the centre of Read more…

Only 4 years

3 years and 11 months ago I wrote this post advertising for an Project Executive to join the team. A certain Rosie Schultz answered the advert, and one telephone interview later she joined Gallomanor and the I’m a Scientist team on January 4th 2011. In those years we’ve seen a transformation Read more…

Business is Backgammon, not Chess

Yes! Running a business is not like Chess. There is a temptation to look a long way into the future and make detailed plans for achieving your ambition. But the reality is that it is more like Backgammon. Random events occur and the important thing is to have your pieces Read more…

The little detail that makes Science Slam great

It’s the little details that matter. I was speaking last week with some european colleagues. The conversation turned to FameLab. And ScienceSlam. And the similarities between them. Short talks, public vote vs judge-led decision. But the piece of genius from ScienceSlam is that it is NOT one person one vote, Read more…

Supporting Software as a Service

We’ve been using for our company accounts for a few years now. It’s an online service for which we pay about £20 a month. Prior to KashFlow we used Sage. KashFlow was a welcome breath of fresh air after Sage’s repeated attempts to get you to upgrade every year. Read more…

New member of the team…

Hi, I’m Hannah and I’ve just joined the Gallomanor team. I’ll be helping to organise the ‘I’m a Scientist’ and ‘I’m an Engineer’ events, starting with those coming up very soon in March. I’m looking forward to being one of the live chat moderators to really see how it all Read more…