buzzEver since we established I’m a Scientist here in the UK we looked to expand overseas. The phenomenal success we’ve had in the UK has however kept our attention here, with a few notable exceptions. Kristin Alford took the initiative in Australia after interrupting her family holiday to enjoy a pint with us and a few scientists in the Jeremy Bentham following one event. We managed to start up the Irish events with our existing team. Malaysia approached us, and with funding from the Wellcome Trust we are in phase II planning for I’m a Scientist Kenya.

Since the start we had conversations with people from the US, but they haven’t led anywhere. Until now.



We are working with Tristan Maclean, formally with BBSRC and NBI, to set up a 501(c) not-for-profit company in the USA. It’s called Keep On Questioning and it has a mission…

…to inspire, engage and educate the public by connecting them with professionals and experts.

The first project is to run a pilot I’m a Scientist Zone in May 2015 to demonstrate the event can work there. If successful Tristan will seek funding in the US to run more zones in the autumn and next spring.


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