Ploddledygook:  when the police try to be overly corporate.

My favourite was from Lincolnshire Police:

"The ambition of Lincolnshire Police is to: focus on the citizen, achieve the highest standards of
professionalism, deliver excellent performance and so inspire confidence amongst the people we serve."

"Could they have an ambition to do the opposite of those things?" said the PEC spokeswoman. "Interesting that they don’t appear to aspire to catch criminals."

Mike Alderson, from Open Eye Communications, has a fuller list of the Police jargon that has been criticised by the Plain English Campaign.

Someone really ought to call the police, because the English language has been murdered.

1 Comment

Alice Casey · 15th April 2008 at 1:55 pm

Lovely example of complete nonesense… remeniscent of Colemanballs.
The difference being of course, that this ain’t a game! 😉

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