Want to help run the best science engagement project in the world?*

We’re looking for someone to join the Gallomanor team full-time at our lovely office in the centre of Bath. You’d be working on I’m a Scientist and I’m an Engineer primarily, but also providing general support.

The job involves helping to recruit and support scientists and schools (not difficult as we’re over-subscribed), supporting the moderator team (that is fun), working with sponsors (who are all lovely) & keeping everyone informed about what is happening (not as easy as it sounds).

Our ideal candidate will have superb organisation skills; be very web-literate; be passionate about science, engagement and democracy; communicate clearly; and love delving into data.

You’ll also have a good sense of humour and be curious enough to have read this post, researched us and will let us know which of my favourite band’s songs you like the most.

We’re offering a salary of £16,000 and an immediate start.

To apply please send a letter explaining why you’re the one that we want** along with a CV to work@gallomanor.com.

Finally if you’d like some tips:



*Slight, but only slight, paraphrasing.
**No, Olivia Newton John Travolta is not our favourite band.

UPDATE: We’ve now found a Project Wrangler – thank you for your interest and keep reading. We might need another soon.


Annabel · 19th February 2013 at 2:31 pm

It’s unfortunate that I did not visit your site and see this posting sooner! Have you found your Project Wrangler, or may I still send in an application?

    ShaneMcC · 19th February 2013 at 4:23 pm

    As you can see from the latest post, we now have a new project wrangler…

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