Science is Vital – 0 – 35,000 in three weeks

On the afternoon of September 8th Dr Jenny Rohn set something off that has developed into something beyond her expectations. The Science Is Vital campaign has gone from 0-35,000 supporters in a very short time with almost zero resources. Richard Grant and I have tried to give you some of Read more…

Stop blogging

At least let’s stop using the word blog. I was in Diss, Norfolk last night as part of our project.  We had invited various community organisations to the library to learn about how they could get involved in the project.  Primarily we showed people like Trevor that he could Read more…

My Mum is cool!

I’ve got an incredibly annoying friend called Geoff. If I am chatting to a new acqaintance at a party, he’ll come up behind me and say, “Soph’s Mum is the Sheriff of Nottingham, you know. If you’re not careful she’ll set her henchmen on you”. He, inexplicably, thinks this is Read more…

Twitter flexes it muscles ironically

In the space of one week Twitter has flexed it muscles and had a significant effect that organisations public and private should wake up to. On Tuesday news came out of the injunction imposed upon the Guardian preventing them from publishing about a Parliamentary Question or even the fact they Read more…

Conversation happen where the people are

I’m often advising councils that conversations happen in the community and they can’t force them to happen where they want them to happen. We’ve suffered from this in the past couple of days.  Having posted a 3 minute video about I’m a Councillor on YouTube we were keeping our fingers Read more…

BuildingDemocracy – Innovations Fund

The Ministry of Justice* Innovations Fund (that brought you CivicSurf or Cllr 2.0 as it was) is back.  It’s bigger than ever with £150,000 to be spent developing new ideas.  Go to for the details. There is a difference this year.  Instead of only being able to submit applications Read more…